Ice cave collapse

"This is a living land, so anything can happen."

Chief Superintendent Rúnarsson

Some news coming out of Iceland. I'm always a bit wary when I see pictures taken inside rapidly changing glaciers. Ice weighs a lot: 1 litre of water weighs 1 kilo, and glacier ice contains hardly any air.

From an Iceland Review piece:

Íris Ragnarsdóttir Pedersen, an Association of Icelandic Mountain Guides board member, stated that tour companies went too far in keeping ice caves open year-round. She and other experts have stated that such caves should only be visited between December and March.


One person is known to have died and two were still missing, but it now seems that the original numbers of people involved were inaccurate.

BBC News report.

Iceland Review has a number of articles on this theme.... this is likely to lead to some renewed advice on visiting such places.
