If you've been with me since the beginning of the blog, back in January 2020, you'll know that the original reason for the blog is that I was going to be starting work with Rayburn Tours as a Field Studies Tutor.
I know several people who have worked for the company for some years, and also those associated with some of the other companies that operate in Iceland, all of whom have had their time featured on the blog.
I was all set to start work when the pandemic arrived and forced the cancellation of two trips and a few related events that I had organised.... and only now are trips restarting.
It's fortunate that companies have been able to survive the last few years. There have been a lot of changes since the last time I visited: new buildings, new charges where there used to be none, increased prices of course but also new infrastructure and different hotels and experience available.
I'm looking forward to going back to Iceland later this year, so I will be posting more often between now and then.
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