An interesting new ad which has been getting a lot of attention.
The advert promotes Nova’s smartwatches sale, which offers subscriptions for both Samsung Galaxy Watches and Apple Watches, emphasising how these smartwatches allow people to leave their phones behind and be free. The company wants to draw attention to the importance of mental health and mental wellbeing. It shows completely naked people of all shapes and sizes going about their daily exercise.Allir úr! from Novaisland on Vimeo.
Með Úrlausn hjá Nova er úrið allt sem þarf. Skildu símann eftir heima.
Við viljum vekja athygli á mikilvægi geðræktar og hvernig sé hægt að bæta andlega líðan. Við þurfum að tala aðeins um líkamsvirðingu. Við erum allavega, allskonar og af öllum mögulegum stærðum og gerðum. Hér er nýja auglýsingin okkar í allri sinni dýrð. Ekkert að fela. Ekkert til að skammast sín fyrir. Allir úr.
With Nova Úrlausn (eSIM), the watch is all you need. Leave your phone at home!
Nova wants to draw attention to the importance of mental health and how to improve mental well-being. We encourage people to be aware of screen time, social media browsing and watching TV. With the campaign, we are celebrating the body. We are all beautiful and we want people to feel good, exactly as they are. On social media, we are blasted with unrealistic beauty and body standards - not the reality. Excessive use of social media can affect our self-image and Úrlausn (eSIM) is a great way to spend less time in front of the screen.
We really need to talk about self-love and respect for our body. We come in all possible shapes and sizes. Here is our new ad in all its glory. Nothing to hide. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just the way we are.
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