Aug 8: Hekla

Click for bigger version of the disaster management card for Hekla which can be obtained from the site of the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management.

Here's more information on Hekla.

In late July there were signs of increased magma pressure which can be a sign of increased risk of eruptions. Hekla is 'due' an eruption having previously erupted in 1991 and 2000.

The Institute of Earth Sciences at the University of Iceland, which performed the measurements, warns that eruptions in Hekla usually happen suddenly and that hikers in the vicinity of the volcano might be in danger in case of volcanic activity.

“It is not possible to guarantee that people visiting the area could be warned in time to seek shelter before an eruption would start. It is also worth noting that eruptions in Hekla often start with a powerful phreatomagmatic eruption,” says the Institute. “Should a group of unprepared hikers find themselves near the eruption they would have few means of escaping.”

