Apr 26: Ash fall in Vik

Ash cloaks some buildings in the town of Vik on the south coast.
Not all is as it seems though.
Interestingly this is for the filming of a new Science Fiction series called Katla.

According to Iceland Monitor:
The film series, directed by Baltasar Kormákur, takes place when the volcano Katla has erupted for nearly a year, causing havoc in the town.

In preparation for shooting, part of Vík will be covered in ash, looking deserted. Some ash has already been spread, as you can see in the photo above.

“All this activity had caused us some worry once we found out that shooting would be delayed,” states Þorbjörg Gísladóttir, director of the local council, “because we expected the town to be packed with tourists. But, as it turns out, the timing is perfect. My understanding is that the series will air in February of next year, and I trust it will be a great promotion for us.”

Thanks to Guy Leaf for the tipoff.

Netflix is still filming in Iceland it seems.
