Mar 1: An A to Ö of Iceland

You'll notice, as I said yesterday, that it's not an A-Z, as Icelanders don't use 'Z' except in more historic documents.

For the next 26 32 days, I'll post an entry for each of the letters of the Icelandic alphabet, ending in 32 days (doesn't quite fit into the month of March) on the 2nd of April.
There are 32 characters.

I've previously posted the A-Ö of Iceland video which was part of the Inspired by Iceland website, and is great fun.

I'd like you to suggest some A-Ö words that I might focus on during this next month if you can think of a really good phrase or place or item or anything...

There are some interesting ones I'm going to have to think about such as that extra Í, and some other characters which we don't use in our own alphabet.
Guest posts welcome, please e-mail me. Thanks to those who have already been in touch.
