Jan 26: Iceland, or Waitrose?

This is not a choice of food store.
Interestingly however, Iceland the freezer store actually fought a court case with the country of Iceland over the rights to use the name in a trademark case. Iceland the country won, as reported in April of 2019.

The dispute goes back many years, wherein a number of Icelandic businesses were being targeted by the supermarket chain Iceland for using the word “Iceland” on their goods and services. The situation eventually prompted Promote Iceland, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Business Iceland to take part in the effort to free “Iceland”, with the help of patent attorney office Árnason Faktor.

The Waitrose Food magazine has a special travel feature this month which is worth getting a copy of - the magazine is free if you have a Waitrose / John Lewis card, which is free to join.

There are details of places to visit in the north of the country first, with a look at the area of coastline close to Akureyri.
The report finishes with a look at Reykjavik, with a few suggestions for places to eat and drink.
